Upon acquiring timberland, both buyers and sellers may need a trusted advisor to provide effective timber management recommendations. There is no substitute to having a qualified forester visit your property with you to offer advice and technical expertise in the production of fully stocked stands of high-quality timber while meeting other management objectives.

Henderson & Associates has a team of experienced foresters prepared to manage timber land for private landowners in South Carolina. Insights backed by over 35 years of experience in South Carolina timber management enable our team to make sound and profitable recommendations regarding your property.

Why Timber Management

Today, there are 13.1 million acres of forest land in South Carolina, occupying roughly 68 percent of our state’s total land area. The total economic impact of forestry on the state economy is over $20 billion annually, which was reported in a 2017 study conducted by the South Carolina Forestry Commission.

Timber is one of our most valuable natural resources. This important renewable resource is valued by the amount produced, as well as the variety of products derived from wood products, like pulp and paper, furniture, lumber, plywood paneling and millwork, and even products like batteries, cosmetics, pencils and toothpicks.

Timber Management Practices

Timber management practices can be accomplished at different stages of forest development. No matter what your individual goals, timber management can allow landowners to enhance the productivity and health of their forest stands.

The experts at Henderson & Associates are ready to help with all aspects of timber management including:

  • Timber inspections and evaluations
  • Timber inventory and appraisals
  • Timber marketing and timber sale administration
  • Harvest planning and scheduling
  • Reforestation and Pine Seedling Genetics
  • Fertilization
  • Prescribed Burning
  • Growth and Yield Modeling
  • GIS Mapping and Data Storage
  • And more!

Creating a Personalized Timber Management Strategy

A comprehensive timber management strategy developed by the experts at Henderson & Associates can maximize your potential return from your investment, impacting both your short and long-term goals. Intensive forest management planning will identify profitable objectives, and then develop procedures for long-term sustainability and profitability.

If you are currently a land owner or are interested in investing in timber land, the professional expertise you require to manage and maximize your property’s potential is available at Henderson & Associates, Inc. Our team can provide you with the most comprehensive forest and land management available, customized specifically to fit your individual ownership goals. Contact us today to find out how we can help you obtain the most out of your property with a personalized land management strategy.